Sept 22, 2017: Indian Catholic Youth Movement (ICYM) Paladka Unit organised "Yuva Milan 2K17" on 16 July 2017. Soon after the holy mass, all the youths of our parish (ICYM & YCS) gathered near the church hall. All were served with breakfast, which was prepared by the members. The program began with the prayer led by Steevan Pinto & team. Praful Dsouza, president ICYM Paladka unit, welcomed the gathering.

Rev. Fr. Ivan Micheal Rodrigues, parish priest and also our unit director presided over the function. Br. Lancy Dsouza, Parish pastoral council Vice-president & secretary, ICYM Animator & YCS animator were the other guests of the day. Mr Leslie Aroza, Thottam, was the resource person. Rev. Fr. Ivan Rodrigues inaugurated the programme and also gave his presidential message encouraging the youths of Paladka as "The Youths, who make things with a difference". YCS secretary extended the vote of thanks. Brendon Cutinha, Secretary ICYM Paladka unit compered the program.





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