June 3 : The ICYM Loretto elections for the year 2024-25 took place on May 26, 2024, at Our Lady of Loretto Church, following the Sunday Eucharistic Holy Mass.

Mr Alwyn Pinto, the Animator of ICYM Loretto, led the prayer service seeking God's blessings. ICYM Loretto Unit President Vinod Menezes welcomed the gathering.

ICYM Bantwal Deanery President Nihan Sequeira instructed all present on the rules and regulations of the elections as per the handbook and then conducted the elections of the ICYM Loretto Unit. There were a total of 26 members present for this election. The selection of the office bearers was done on a voting basis.

The ICYM Loretto monthly meeting for the year 2024-25 took place on June 2, 2024, at Our Lady of Loretto Church, following the Sunday Eucharistic Holy Mass.

Mr Alwyn Pinto, the Animator of ICYM Loretto, led the prayer service seeking God's blessings. ICYM Loretto Unit President Vinod Menezes welcomed the gathering.

During the meeting, the present office bearers handed over the post to the newly elected office bearers. ICYM IPP Vinod Menezes shared his experience of being the President for a year, thanked everyone for their support, and Ashlin Barboza also shared her experience as Secretary for the year and expressed her gratitude to all. The newly elected President, Snehal Rosario, spoke a few words, requesting support for the events that will be planned for the year. The newly elected Secretary, Preemal Menezes, also thanked everyone and sought support for the upcoming year, 2024-2025.

Parish Priest of Loretto ChruchRev.Fr Francis Crasta director of ICYM Loretto, motivated our youth to work more and increase the amount of social activities where our youths can be highlighted.

Below are the names of the ICYM - Office Bearers for the year 2024-2025:

DIRECTOR – Rev. Fr Francis Crasta
ANIMATOR – Alwyn Pinto
PRESIDENT - Snehal Rosario
SECRETARY - Preemal Menezes
JOINT SECRETARY – Mezwil D'souza
TREASURER – Ozvita D'souza
AUDITOR – Lozil D'souza
SPORTS SECRETARY - Joel Pinto, Ishan Vas
CULTURAL & LITURGY SECRETARY – Melreen Dsouza, Elvisha Fonseka

The Monthly Meeting was concluded by singing the ICYM Anthem.

Congratulations to all the newly elected office bearers, and special thanks to ICYM Bantwal Deanery President NihanSequeira for smoothly conducting the ICYM elections of the year 2024-25.

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