May 8 : ICYM St. John Paul II Vittal Deanery, along with ICYM Salethur Unit, organized a vibrant competition featuring volleyball and throwball for the Deanery youths on May 5th, 2024. The event commenced at 2:00 PM.

The Honorable Guest Priest, Rev. Fr. Manoj Furtado, inaugurated the tournament by serving the first ball. A total of 5 Parish teams participated in the tournament. Volleyball and throwball were held simultaneously, with Mr. Arrol Jackson Sequiera and Mr. Arun M Dsouza serving as the umpires for the event. Volleyball was conducted for men, while throwball was conducted for women.

The finals of the men's team were held between Sacred Heart of Jesus Church Shamboor and Our Lady of Dolours Church Vittal, with Sacred Heart of Jesus Church Shamboor emerging as the winners of the volleyball team. In the women's team, Mother of God Church Mogarnad competed against Our Lady of Dolours Church Vittal, with Mother of God Church Mogarnad emerging as the winners. ICYM members actively participated, contributing to the overall success of the event.

The Honorable Guest Priest Rev. Fr. Manoj Furtado, Animator of ICYM Salethur Unit Mr. Mithun Veigas, Animators of units, President of ICYM Vittla Deanery Praveen Dcunha, and Secretary of ICYM Vittla Deanery Sharvin Dsouza wished all the best to all team players who played in the finals.

Reshma Dcunha hosted the tournament, and Praveen Dcunha, President of ICYM St. John Paul II Vittla Deanery, extended a warm welcome to the attendees. Rev. Fr. Anil Canute Dmello, the Director of ICYM St. John Paul II Vittla Deanery, addressed the gathering, Nihan Sequeira, President of ICYM Bantwal Deanery, participated in the program and the vote of thanks was given by Sharvin Dsouza, Secretary of ICYM St. John Paul II Vittla Deanery. The tournament concluded at 5:00 PM with overall success.

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