Oct 4 : On the auspicious occasion of Gandhi Jayanti, the ICYM Central Council Mangalore Diocese, in collaboration with the St. Aloysius College AICUF unit in Mangalore, organized an event titled “Young Hearts for Peace” at St. Joseph Aided Higher Primary School, Nanthoor Padava Calvary Mangalore, on 2nd October 2023, at 9:00 am.

The day commenced with a stage program featuring esteemed dignitaries. The event was graced by President Rev. Fr. Ashwin Cardoza, Director of ICYM Mangalore Diocese; Chief Guest Dr. Anup Denzil Veigas, Director of Student Council and Coordinator of IGNOU at St. Aloysius College; Mrs. Irine Sequeira, Headmistress of the school; Mr. Mithesh D’Souza, ICYM Diocesan President; Mr. Amith Adam Pereira, National Team Member of AICUF – Karnataka; Melisha Lobo, Women’s Commission co-convener of AICUF – Karnataka; and Vedavathi, SDMC member. Members of the AICUF unit invoked blessings through a prayer song, while Ms. Wilma Lobo, ICYM Diocesan Secretary, compered the program, and Mrs. Irene Sequeira, Headmistress, welcomed the gathering. Mr. Sushanth Fernandes, ICYM Diocesan Treasurer, delivered the vote of thanks.

The Chief Guest, Dr. Anup Denzil Veigas, Assistant Professor in the Department of English and Coordinator of AICUF at St. Aloysius College Mangalore, addressed the children about the life of Gandhi, emphasizing that he was not just a leader but also a visionary, pioneer of nonviolent resistance, and a symbol of hope for a nation striving for independence. Gandhi's philosophy of non-violence has inspired civil rights movements, leaders, and activists worldwide.

The President of the program, Rev. Fr. Ashwin Cardoza, ICYM Mangalore Diocesan Director, stated in his speech, “In order to create a better world, we must strive to be helpful contributors to society by extending our hands to those in need and actively participating in positive initiatives.”

To mark this auspicious occasion of Gandhi Jayanti, portable speaker was donated to the school by ICYM Central Council members, with the support of Dr. Anup Veigas and other sponsors, and water bottles were donated by AICUF unit members. Additionally, notebooks were provided by ICYM Central Council Members for each student.

After the stage program, AICUF members entertained the children with action songs and also performed an anti-drug awareness skit. Members of the ICYM Central Council organized various games, and after the program, both ICYM and AICUF members took the initiative to clean the school surroundings.

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Rev Fr Ashwin Lohith Cardoza
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