Nov 28, 2023 : Indian Catholic Youth Movement Central Council - Mangalore Diocese in collaboration with ICYM Balkunje Unit organised "ಕೃಷಿ ಖುಷಿ- ಸುವಾಸ್ ಗಾಂವ್ಚ್ಯಾ ಮಾತಿಯೆಚೊ" unique programme on cultivation, on 25th and 26th of November at Balkunje. The event commenced with the stage programme at 05:30 PM on Church Ground Premises. ICYM Balkunje unit members sought God’s blessings by performing a prayer dance. Soon after the performance the guests were escorted to the dais by Mr. Mithesh DSouza President of ICYM Mangalore Diocese.

President of the programme - Rev.Fr.Paul Sequeira, Parish Priest of St.Paul’s Church, Balkunje;  Chief Guest of the event - Rev. Fr. Ashwin Lohith Cardoza, Youth Director of ICYM  Mangalore Diocese; Guest of Honour - Mr. Anil Lobo, Chairman, M.C.C. Bank Ltd.; Sr. Pramila, Superior of Balkunje Convent; Dr. Freeda Rodrigues, Vice President of the Parish Pastoral Council, St.Paul’s Church, Balkunje; Mrs. Nancy Cardoza, Secretary of the Parish Pastoral Council, St.Paul’s Church, Balkunje; Mrs. Laveena Serrao, 21 Commissions' Convener, St.Paul’s Church, Balkunje; Ms. Melreeda Rodrigues, President of Catholic Sabha, St. Jude Mangalore North deanery; Mr. Mithesh Dsouza, President of the ICYM Mangalore Diocese; Ms. Wilma Viyola Lobo, Secretary of the ICYM Mangalore Diocese; Mr. Colin Dsouza, Programme Convener, Amcho Yuvak Representative of ICYM Mangalore Diocese; Mr. Lloyd DSouza, Secretary of St. Jude Mangalore North deanery, Ms. Nelisha Lobo, Unit President, St.Paul’s Church, Balkunje and Ms. Neha Serrao, Unit Secretary, St.Paul’s Church, Balkunje were present on the dais. Mr. Colin DSouza programme convener Welcomed the gathering.

The programme was inaugurated by traditional way, planting of rice seedlings in the soil. Members of the ICYM Central Council and Balkunje Unit brought several attractive antiquities utilised in agricultural and daily life from earlier times that reminded of golden old days.

The Chief Guest of the programme Rev.Fr.Ashwin Lohith Cardoza, Director of ICYM Mangalore Diocese expressed his thoughts through a poem,  in which he expressed about the beauty of nature and how mother nature takes all human beings as her kids. He also mentioned the message given by Pope Francis about nature, in his letter 'Laudato Si'. He also thanked the Parish priest and the parish pastoral council, Ms. Melreeda Rodrigues and members of ICYM Balkunje Unit for their good will and asked for their support throughout the program. Then he continued his poem saying that it is possible to get fruitful cultivation, preciously equivalent to that of gold, and God would always bless the work and concluded by wishing all the participants to enjoy the stay and make use of the time and opportunity efficiently and learn new things which will be useful in life.

The auspicious occasion of "ಕೃಷಿ ಖುಷಿ", ten dedicated farmers were bestowed with honours in recognition of their invaluable contributions to sustain the rich legacy of village farming. These unsung heroes, through their tireless efforts, have played a pivotal role in providing essential products such as rice, milk, and sugarcane, nourishing countless people and places. Acknowledging the pivotal role of farmers as the backbone of our nation, this ceremony celebrated their dedication and commitment. As we applaud these ten individuals, it is a reminder to all of us to promote and inspire many more to embrace and continue the noble tradition of natural farming for a sustainable and thriving future.

Guest of Honour Mr. Anil Lobo, Chairman, MCC Bank Ltd., addressed in his speech that we should not confine ourselves to one place where we must go beyond; we should urge ourselves to gain more knowledge so that we can sustain and leave our community. We should not have such aspirations settle overseas; instead, we should consider how we may grow our society by staying in our place and contributing to it. He also mentioned how ICYM provides a platform to grow ourselves in the best possible way. 

Mr Mithesh DSouza President of ICYM Mangalore Diocese, proposed Vote of thanks to the gathering and for extending selfless service and support for the success of event "ಕೃಷಿ ಖುಷಿ"  Ms. Lavita DSouza, President of ICYM Surathkal Deanery compered the programme.

As the formal programme came to end the first session led by Mr. Frank Menezes on the Topic Rain Water Harvesting - He explained Rainwater harvesting is the collection and storage of rainwater for future use instead of allowing it to flow away. The collected water is contained in percolating wells, shafts, etc. It is often used for drinking purposes and the extracted water can be used in irrigation, plantations, domestic use, etc. He provided knowledge and importance of Water Harvesting.

Later, the members of the ICYM Balkunje Unit led rosary prayer for the various intentions in front beautifully decorated grotto with candles and flowers along with participants of "ಕೃಷಿ ಖುಷಿ" holding candles.
Next session, led by Mr. Kiran, well known as “Snake Kiran” continued the following snake-related session. He described the numerous types of snakes, how they are detected, the types of snakes found in various places, and the precautions that we need to take. He also cleared the superstitions and provided needful information regarding First Aid.  

The Tepee style campfire was organised along with Dj and Dance soon after the dinner. Camp fire provided light and warmth. Camp fire marked the end of the first day's programme.

All the delegates took part in the Sunday mass, at 6.30 AM, St. Paul's Church Balkunje. After the mass, the typical desi breakfast was served before heading to the field. Mr. Collin DSouza, the Amcho Yuvak Representative of the ICYM Mangalore Diocese, provided information on various kinds of crops cultivated during the different seasons throughout the year and he also guided participants in planting the seeds and harvesting them.

Coconut and Jaggery along with the water was served during the practical session. It’s a popular ingredient in traditional Indian Cuisine and is known for its health benefits. It is believed to offer numerous benefits, including improved digestion, hydration and boost energy levels.

Apiculture Farming:
The following session was led by Mr. Ashwin Sequeira on "Beekeeping or Apiculture" He explained, Beekeeping is one of the oldest traditions in India for collecting the honey. Honey bee farming is becoming popular due to its market demand in national and international markets as well. Honey bees produce honey, beeswax and royal jelly thus giving additional benefits to the farmers and further he also explained the importance of honey bees in nature.

Poultry Farming:
There was a visit to the Poultry farming unit. The following session was led by Ms. Elzie DSouza, explained about poultry farming. She explained the duties of poultry farmers, how the birds must be fed, clean their shelters, check their health, vaccinate them with medicine and keep the water supply running. She also explained the benefits of Poultry business which attracted the youths.

Jasmine Farming:
There was a visit to the Jasmine Field. The following session was led by Mr Michael Rodrigues, Balkunje where he provided information regarding Jasmine farming. The demand of Jasmine flowers in the market, How Jasmine flowers are cultivated, and how are they protected from the infection? He taught participants on how to tie the flowers.

Egg-Poultry Farming:
There was a visit to the Egg-Poultry Farming. The following session was led by Mr. Prashanth Coelho. He explained about the various types of eggs, their distinctions, and how organic eggs are extremely good for our health. Youths got a chance to experience and taste quail eggs.

The day came to end with the Valedictory programme. Rev.Fr.Paul Sequeira, Parish Priest of St.Pauls Church, Balkunje;  Chief Guest of the event - Rev. Fr. Ashwin Lohith Cardoza, Youth Director of ICYM  Mangalore Diocese; Dr. Freeda Rodrigues, Vice President of the Parish Pastoral Council, St. Paul's Church, Balkunje; Mrs. Nancy Cardoza, Secretary of the Parish Pastoral Council, St. Paul's Church, Balkunje; Ms. Melreeda Rodrigues, President of Catholic Sabha St. Jude Mangalore North deanery; Mr. Mithesh Dsouza, President of the ICYM Mangalore Diocese; Ms. Wilma Viyola Lobo, Secretary of the ICYM Mangalore Diocese; Mr. Colin Dsouza, Programme Convener, Amcho Yuvak Representative of ICYM Mangalore Diocese; Mr. Lloyd DSouza, Secretary of St. Jude Mangalore North deanery, Ms. Nelisha Lobo, Unit President, St. Paul's Church, Balkunje and Ms. Neha Serrao, Unit Secretary, St. Paul's Church, Balkunje were present on the dais. Ms Nelisha Lobo, Unit President, St. Paul's Church, Balkunje welcomed the gathering.

The participants were a given to express their two day experience at "ಕೃಷಿ ಖುಷಿ". Mr. Ashwin Pinto, Bendur and Ms. Renisha Rodrigues, Vitla shared their experience. They expressed their heartiest gratitude for organising "ಕೃಷಿ ಖುಷಿ", where they got many information and new learning experience regarding different kinds of agriculture. 

Rev.Fr. Ashwin Lohith Cardoza, DYD of ICYM Mangalore Diocese thanked everyone for their selfless involvement and service in the success of the event "ಕೃಷಿ ಖುಷಿ". He also thanked Rev. Fr. Paul Sequeira, Parish Priest of St. Paul's church, Balkunje and the ICYM Balkunje unit for providing an opportunity and to organise the event "ಕೃಷಿ ಖುಷಿ”  and to explore the wonderful rural experience. He extended special thanks to Ms. Melreeda Rodrigues, 2nd lady president of ICYM Mangalore Diocese for her selfless support, encouraging youths and coordinating with ICYM Central council. He also thanked Mr. Mithesh DSouza, President of ICYM Mangalore Diocese and Ms. Wilma Viyola Lobo, Secretary of ICYM Mangalore Diocese and the whole DEXCO and central council for the success of  “ಕೃಷಿ ಖುಷಿ”.

Rev.Fr.Paul Sequeira thanked the entire ICYM Balkunje unit and ICYM Central council for organising such a significant occasion with all of their efforts and selfless work.

The prize was later presented to St. John Paul II Vitla Deanery members for their greatest number of participation in the event. Ms. Wilma Lobo, Secretary of ICYM Mangalore Diocese, thanked the gathering. Ms. Ashlin DSouza, Secretary of ICYM City Deanery, Compered the programme. The event ended with an ICYM theme song.


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