Dec 15, 2017: Surathkal unit organized Sports Day on 10th December 2017. Different games were conducted for the children from 1st to 10th in the Church ground at 11 a.m. Around 170 Children participated. Throw ball for women and volleyball for men was held at 2 p.m. There were 8 teams for throwball and 12 teams for volleyball.






This programme was inaugurated by Rev. Fr. Paul Pinto, Director of ICYM Surathkal. Mr Anish D'souza, President of Mother Teresa Deanery and Ms. Teena Rebelo, Animator of Mother Theresa Deanery & Mr. Sandeep Dsouza, President of ICYM Surathkal and the Executive and all members were present. All the participants participated with a great interest.








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